DOWNLOAD : Music + VIDEO: Vivian ft Naiboi & Savara (Sauti Sol) – Cheza Chini

Vivian is arguably Kenya’s top female artist with a vast catalogue of music in diverse genres. Vivian now teams up with industry top honchos The Naiboi and Savara from the all boy band Sauti Sol.

DOWNLOAD Music -Vivian ft Naiboi & Savara (Sauti Sol) – Cheza Chini

7 thoughts on “DOWNLOAD : Music + VIDEO: Vivian ft Naiboi & Savara (Sauti Sol) – Cheza Chini

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    One of the most overlooked aspects of improving your pool game lies in your grip. Often people grip too hard, which causes tension in their stroke and inhibits smooth aiming. Through holding your cue gently and loosely, you’ll be able to have more control of the ball while shooting it. Another key to a successful grip is resting your entire hand on the table, making it easier to create triangle-like leverage. Police said the shooters, who were identified as Edgar Ricardo de Oliveira, 30, and Ezequias Souza Ribeiro, 27, fled the scene and are still on the run. If you’d like to become a really good pool player, you can’t get around practicing a lot. But what if you don’t have huge ambitions? You just don’t want to look completely dumb against your buddies on Friday night? These pool tips are for you.

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